Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Apple Mail and Exhcnage 2007 External website EWS
In order to provide access for Apple mail EWS virtual directory required to be on External website. Obviously Exchange 2007 SP1 Rollup 6 and above should be applied before proceeding
1. Create new EWS virtual directory in External website
Open “Exchange Management Shell” and verify if EWS already created for External website by issuing command
If EWS already exist then try to recreate it or check if folder EWS/Exchange.asmx accessible via external URL “”
To create EWS directory issue the following command in EMShell
New-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -WebSiteName "External" -ExternalUrl
Verify that directory created by issuing
2. Adjust authentication permissions in IIS for EWS folder to “Basic Authentication”
Setup Apple Mail and try to connect. All should be working.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Converting IDE vmdk file to SCSI
SSH access to your ESX host
Equal or more amount of space on your LUN to the size of your vmdk file
In order to convert your vmdk file you will need to SSH to your ESX host and cd to appropriate LUN with affected vmdk file. Check content of folder by issue ll command.

In this scenario we will be working with VM1_ide.vmdk file. Take a note of the size of the flat vmdk file.
Now we need to create SCSI vmdk file with same size. Issue the following command:
[root@esx04 VM1]# vmkfstools -a lsilogic -c 10737418240 VM1_scsi.vmdk
New file name will be VM1_scsi.vmdk
do ll once more to see what happened
We can delete VM1_scsi-flat.vmdk file, as we not going to use it.
Now open VM1_scsi.vmdk in editor
[root@esx04 VM1]# nano VM1_scsi.vmdk
Here we need to replace VM1_scsi-flat.vmdk with VM1_ide-flat.vmdk. Actualy point to ide flat disk. Save after edit.

Now edit your .vmx file and replace VM1_ide.vmdk with VM1_scsi.vmdk
Re-register your VM with Virtual Centre and start VM.
For safety precautions I've put this disk and others into Nonpersistent mode for first test start, so in the event of OS (mostly MS windows) failed to recognize drive, changes will be discarded as soon as I shutdown VM.
This scenario works for me for 3x 200gb disks.
Any comments more than welcome.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Telnet servername 25